Toccata Data Governance

Data Governance Automation for Modern Software Engineering Teams.


Toccata contains carefully thought out data models, exposed by browseable APIs, so your data governance procedures are a first-class citizen of your wider software development processes. Any data that can be created or viewed in the GUI can be created or viewed at the same location by an API client.

Integrated Data Governance

Make important decisions about your security, strategy, architecture, or software, and rest easy knowing the data is safe, browseable, and available to your development workflow and automation. No silos, no WYSIWYG documents in opaque filesystems. Just data about data governance.

Auditable Compliance

Control your compliance, whether you fall under the GDPR, PECR, Enhanced SMCR status, or otherwise. Make sure that any day you’re asked to prove your status, you can. Demonstrate that when situations changed, you reacted appropriately. Reassure yourself, your stakeholders, your clients, and your users, that you’lldo the right thing when it counts.